Nnnintroduction on the book of ephesians kingdom

Some think that this epistle to the ephesians was a circular letter sent to several churches, and that the copy directed to the ephesians happened to be taken into the canon, and so it came to bear that particular inscription. As we continue in our faith from day to day, month to month, and year to year, the temptation to get comfortable will always exist. Introduction to the kingdom of god from discipleship lessons. Put on the full armor of god so that you can take your stand against the devils schemes. E phesians is one of the most encouraging books in the new testament. This book has been called the crowning jewel, or capstone, of. The traditional idea, that god deals in one manner with the gentile christians and in another with the jewish christians, and that the races are identifiable in christ, has created havoc in the interpretation of the scripturesparticularly the writings. Kingdom come is our first of three series through the book of ephesians. By the end of matthews gospel account, jesus has all authority in both realms heaven and earth, with his kingship extending to the nations.

The book of ephesians was very likely written between a. Prior to writing his epistle to the ephesians in 6061 ad, paul had an established ministry in ephesus. Encounter ephesians, and get swept up into the story of jesus. The concept that the elect jews and gentiles compose the one family of god, the one holy nation, is a central theme of the book of ephesians. The church has been brought from death to life in christ. The epistle to the ephesians, also called the letter to the ephesians and often shortened to ephesians, is the tenth book of the new testament. His love and allow it to free us to have an impact on this earth for the kingdom of god. The body must be whole and complete, and thats why in ephesians 4 it says, till we all come to the fullness of the stature of christ. The mystery of christ in ephesians kingdom in bible. I offer the following commentary and summary for ephesians in this article. The conquest reached far beyond the city limits of ephesus. Sproul has himself written a very helpful introductory level commentary on it titled the purpose of god.

John knox asked that calvins sermons on ephesians be read to him on his deathbed. The purpose is to assist the student in gaining a greater comprehension of the biblical teaching contained in. Book of ephesians overview insight for living ministries. For other books, devotionals and bible studies by anne graham lotz. I am so thankful that these letters, such as this letter to the ephesians, have been carefully preserved and passed down to us. Intro to ephesians biblica the international bible society. Second, god has reconciled these saved individuals to each other, christ having broken down the barriers through his own death 2.

The book of ephesians chapter two workbook eeonline biblestudy. Walking in a literal sense is coordinating the motion of our legs to take us where we want to go. However, for us looking back two millennia, its hard to to understand. They give usan arsenal forremaining true to the pillars of our faith. John calvin called it his favorite book of the bible. Paul the apostle writes to encourage believers to live wellweve been lifted from the graveyard of sin and called to shout the gospel into the darkened world. First, god has reconciled individuals to himself as an act of grace 2. There he continues daily to teach the gospel for two years acts 19.

Its origin is shrouded in antiquity, but it was a prominent settlement in the eighth century b. When strong opposition to his teaching arises, he withdraws with the other christians to the school of tyrannus. This summary of the book of ephesians provides information about the title, authors, date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the book of ephesians. Here he witnessed to his jewish brethren but they only hardened their hearts and refused to believe.

All three letters were sent with tychicus and onesimus. In the book of ephesians, the apostle paul highlights christian unity and the need to go on walking in love and to stand firm against the crafty acts of the devil. When the kingdom of israel failed, the prophets revealed that god would establish a new kingdom, so renewing the covenant promises made to abraham and his descendants. The fundamental principles of grace and mans responsibility to abide by gods laws are thoroughly revealed in the old testament. To teach the christians at ephesus the wonder and practical implications of being the church in christ. Watch our overview video on the book of ephesians, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. The book of ephesians chapter five workbook eeonline biblestudy. To the saints in ephesus, a the faithful in christ jesus. The kingdom of israel, just like any kingdom, had a king, a people, a city and laws, along with a temple and priests and this under the rule of god. The book of ephesians hits on a wide range of moral and ethical behaviors, designed to ensure believers are living up to our heavenly calling. Free courses introducing and detailing the book of ephesians from the gospel coalition. The apostle paul wrote this letter to the churches in ephesus and the surrounding region c. We will conclude our introductory study to the book of ephesians by glancing briefly at the extent of the victory wrought by god through paul in asia. Paul intended that all who long for christlike maturity would receive this writing.

Ephesians verse by verse teaching in the book of ephesians. Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind. Ephesians 16 nkjv greeting paul, an apostle of jesus. The traditional idea, that god deals in one manner with the gentile christians and in another with the jewish christians, and that the races are identifiable in christ, has created havoc in the. Samuel coleridge called it the most divine composition of man 2. Covering topics such as living in gods will and receiving peace no matter the circumstances, the book of ephesians reveals the magnitude of every christians inheritance, a gift exceedingly abundantly above what. They will not have a share in the kingdom of christ and of god. The epistle to the ephesians, additionally called the letter to the ephesians and frequently abbreviated to ephesians, is the tenth book of the new testament. Finally, be strong in the lord and in his mighty power.

Paul first comes in contact with ephesus when leaving corinth to travel to jerusalem in 53 ad. Later in this book, we will see that salvation came to the gentiles. Interestingly, ignatius seems to refer to some unknown gospel story, which is not mentioned in the. He has imputed his righteousness to his body, for now we have been bought with a price and therefore no longer our own but all things are gods. This is why jesus and the gospel writers so often spoke of the gospel of the kingdom. The mystery of christ, for example, was a former secret now revealed for everyone who has ears to hear. Doctrine occupies the greatest portion of the book of ephesians. May 12, 2014 the structure of ephesians reflects its purpose. The book of ephesians is a masterpiece of revelation that bridges the principles of grace and obedience into one solid irremovable form. Ephesians offers general instruction in the truths of gods redemptive work in christ. Book of ephesians ephesians chapter 1 ephesians chapter 2 ephesians chapter 3 ephesians chapter 4 ephesians chapter 5 ephesians chapter 6. This would further seem to suggest, as i have believed, that not only did paul write the book of colossians, but that he wrote colossians before writing the book of ephesians. And man is sanctified and will be at the second coming of christ receiving an irreproachable and incorruptible body 1 thess.

But in ephesians 2, the apostle paul reminds us who we were without christ. Ephesians 5 new international version niv bible gateway. The epistle of ignatius to the ephesians often abbreviated ign. But the church is also the warrior by which god can deal with his enemy, the devil. Kjv bible verses from ephesians offer free, online access, for those of the christian faith, to study scriptural passages for biblical studies, contained in. This is why letters such as the one to the ephesians are incredibly important. When he does, record the verse number, what it is he seems to be saying to you and your response to him in this final step. Ephesians introduction new testament matthew henry. Some have taken the absence of the usual personal greetings and the verbal similarity of many parts to colossians, among other reasons, as grounds. And so, it is fair to say that when paul instructed the ephesians regarding. A free bible version and commentary on the letter to the ephesians in easyenglish.

By accepting gods grace offer, and believing in the lord jesus christ has died for your sins and he has risen from the dead, therefore man is cleansed by his shed blood at the cross. Have you ever coined a word because you wanted to describe something for which no existing english word seemed adequate. The book of ephesians because you are saints, live in the kingdom paul, an apostle of christ, speaks several excellent things in this book to the ephesians. Ephesians reveals the beauty, mystery and awe in the triune. It covers chapters of pauls epistle to the church of ephesus. Greear digs into the text of ephesians versebyverse and challenges believers to live out the gospel. The book of ephesians was written to gods holy people in ephesus ephesians 1. There are 41 commands in ephesians, 1 of which is found in chapters.

If these notes are helpful you can download the entire ephesians e book study guide to use on any device or print the entire series. Commentary on the book of ephesians by matthew henry new. Summary of the book of ephesians story of the bible. Verse by verse through the book of ephesians 2008 click on audio, video or notes to open up the file for each message. Ephesians introduction new testament matthew henry st. Overview of the book of ephesians reformed answers to. And he has condescended to reveal himself to mankind both in his works and his words. Feb 07, 2015 the author of the book of ephesus was the apostle paul. Christ should stand up in full functioning form in his body the church just as he did in his human body in his incarnation. First, all they which dwelt in asia heard the word of the lord jesus, both jews and greeks gentiles acts 19. This is a selftest on chapters 4 6 of the book of ephesians.

The church has received wondrous blessings in union with christ. Paul emphasizes that we have been saved, not only for our personal benefit, but also to bring praise and glory to god. Ephesians 1 niv bible paul, an apostle of christ jesus by. The below chart will help underline and point out these similarities. This course is designed as an expository study of the epistle to the ephesians, taking the student through the entire epistle with cross references to other portions of scripture. Figuratively it refers to how we coordinate the actions of our life in order to make us what we ought to be.

Before you attempt to answer the questions below you should read these chapters in the bible and answer the questions at the end of each chapter found at the website answer the questions below and then click ok to send your answers. Abbott, a critical and exegetical commentary on the epistles to the ephesians and to the colossians, icc, pp. I would have enjoyed a bit more emphasis on ephesians 4. Sprouls work, the following are five of the most helpful commentaries on the book of ephesians. Ephesians 5 niv follow gods example, therefore, as bible. The book of ephesians is a survival manualit equips believers to thrive in a world that hates the message of jesus christ. As citizens of the kingdom of god, weve been grafted in to the nation of israel and can be identified by every covenant promise of god. O slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising.

Tenney the city of ephesus was one of the oldest of the settlements on the west coast of asia minor and was the leading city of the roman province of asia. The spirit is the seal of our belonging to god and a down payment on our future inheritance in the kingdom of heaven. During this time he also wrote colossians and philemon. Ephesians 1, new international version niv the bible app. Ephesians 16 paul, an apostle of christ jesus by the. Matthew henry 18 october 1662 22 june 1714 was an english commentator on the bible, who published his works in 1706, sixvolume exposition of the old and new testaments 17081710 or complete commentary, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the bible, covering the whole of the old testament, and the gospels and acts in the new testament. They must be like his feet to take his gospel to all the people in the world. Having explained gods great goals for the church, paul proceeds to show the steps toward their fulfillment. Read ephesians prayerfully, objectively, thoughtfully, and attentively as you listen for god to speak.

The book of ephesians until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the son of god and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of christ. He may not speak to you through every verse, but he will speak. We hope that you find the ephesians summary from the kjv bible chapters and verses helpful to your bible studies and for references as a guide to further reference to the book of ephesians. Ephesians 1, new king james version nkjv the bible app. If the people of your city, of your school, of your family are going to hear the gospel, its going to be from your mouth.

Enclosed within the book of ephesians is the discipline needed to develop into true children of god. For a free realplayer download click here the video links use vlc download vlc player here or real player. All peoples can be united through christ as every person who believes in him will be part of his one big family. The book of ephesians free online bible study lessons. The book of ephesians reflects the marriage of life and doctrine in that it contains deep theological truth about gods nature and work in the first three chapters. Book summary ephesians reveals to us the great mystery of the church which is the body of christ. Paul s next move at ephesus found him in the synagogue where he spoke boldly for three months, reasoning and persuading concerning the things of the kingdom of god acts 19. And they have been induced the rather to think this because it is the only one of all pauls epistles that has nothing in it peculiarly adapted to the state or case of. In live abundantly, bible teachers lenya heitzig and penny pierce rose challenge you to dig deep into the book of ephesians to find the spiritual treasure god has for you. Its origin has customarily been credited to paul the apostle however, beginning in 1792, this has been tested as deuteropauline, that is, composed in pauls name by a later creator. The city of ephesus was a large commercial port city in asia minor present day turkey located at. For this you know with certainty, that no immoral or impure person or covetous man, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of christ and god. James montgomery boice on his commentary on the book of ephesians writes the following. And they have been induced the rather to think this because it is the only one of all pauls epistles that has nothing.

The truths of this book have impacted the lives of many saints. Its authorship has traditionally been attributed to paul the apostle but starting in 1792, this has been challenged as deuteropauline, that is, written in pauls name by a later author strongly influenced by pauls thought, probably by a loyal. Upon completion of the study, it is recommended that you discuss your answers and insights with other bible students who also completed the workbook. However, paul presented the gift of god in christ and the benefits we. I recommend this volume to anyone who is not familiar with the basic themes of this epistle. The purpose of the book of ephesians was to warn the church elders about the false teachers that were teaching a false gospel and to maintain their first love that they held when they first became believers. Overview of the book of ephesians the letter opens with a sequence of statements about gods blessings, which are interspersed with a remarkable variety of expressions drawing attention to gods wisdom, forethought and purpose.